Friday, August 30, 2019

On Conclusions

"I am become death”
-Robert Oppenheimer

Between the launch and the impact, the detonation of Rocket 00000 remains sublime, occurring outside time and space, descension to aftermath, nothing can be said at the moment of death. The text can only speak of what surrounds it, a circular loop made by two parabolas meeting each other at their y=0 points, the action and return that make up the mythic arc of Gravity’s Rainbow. This arc creates an atemporal sphere of meaning, with all things parallel to each other, occurring simultaneously, the product of which is birth. Such is the egg-meaning of mythology in its arc structure. Gravity’s Rainbow is thus the mythology of the Rocket and more importantly, the mandala taken as a whole, its product is Der Raketen-Stadt, of which the Rocket is the sublime signified behind Der Raketen-Stadt’s regime of signs.

Mythologies are only birthing when the mandala is read atemporally, without concern for linear time. As such, the mandala of modernity takes place in 1945, well into its running. As the Kalevala wasn’t formalized until the 19th century, the mythic truth of modernity wasn’t formalized until WW2. The human perspective is limited in these matters, as humanity requires assistance from luck and fate to be born after the events which wrote the mythology, in order to see clearly the age in question. When this is possible, the mandala is able to be an egg by being at the center of the system of meaning, the faciality from the signified god at the center. In this case the rocket.

Just as the beginning-action of Gravity’s Rainbow is picking through the rubble of the V-2 strikes, the aftermath is when the text is completed enough to be read. After all strands of meaning converge on a single point of the signified-god, there is left a wreckage. All strands of meaning converged, combined, and then splintered off together, to form a readable text (wreckage) where all things are related and present as they were in the signified-god, thus granting them meaning from the entire mandala. HBO’s Chernobyl recognizes this. As Gorbachev himself recognized later in life, the mythic egg of the Soviet Union occurred in 1986. By beginning after the explosion, all strands have come together to be read, the mandala already completed for reading. The egg of the Soviet Union was formed for them to dissect and fully uncover the entirety of the Soviet Union, all its themes and motifs summarized and made explicit in the faciality of the corium egg.

The signified-god emerges thus as an untouchable ideal of an existing object. The Soviet Union emerges from Corium, the NATO Technocracy from Rocket, the NeoLiberal Empire from Oil. As these societies descend from these signified-gods, systems of meaning generated by them, the lesson of Foucault is realized. By his broadly reaching citation, Foucault recognizes that the author of societies is never individual or even a group acting in concert. The author of the texts of our realities is always not only non-human, but above and below human. Oil, Corium, Rockets, these substances are singular, acting as substrates, while also being transcendent, above and out of reach of human control.

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