Friday, August 23, 2019

Machinic Slavery

In the Oedipal drama, the individual is introduced to the model of servitude which will make up their vision of homely warmth. In an infant state, they are swaddled within a crushing regime, moving in an order incomprehensible to them as anything except some higher holy order, which dictates the pain and pleasure they experience. Such is replicated by all male builder-types working in aggregate in construction of their cities and institutions. The conventional life as experienced by the common man can be seen as attempting to recreate this systemic capture of the self’s inputs and exputs. Pain and pleasure must be systematized and balance each other. Pain begets pleasure in the capitalist notion of “hard work” being rewarded and pleasure begets pain in the same idea. The linking of these is performed daily, the circular commute and consumptive spiral, goods and products working in tandem with the career to replicate the milk and punishments of mother’s postnatal womb.

When this is left untraumatized, the mind is solidified as a closed loop, a system wholly devoted to seeking this systemic living. When this mind is fully created, the human is nothing more than an animal, with no lines of flight from an enclosed system of oedipal-seeking. In trauma however, the human is left to the next phase, to put the formation of their mind towards higher ends, creating a soul atop the basic intelligence.

That the majority settles into oedipal-brain allows for society to be constructed by their intelligences seeking identical goals, thus forming an aggregate product by the difference between all collaborations. With machines being created to emulate the mother, a similar bond is formed as to the mother. The oedipal-human thus has oedipal affection for his environment, causing the sexually charged loyalty to context. Such is evident in the sexual fears demonstrated in anti-desegregation demonstrations, talk of impurity by mere presence. The mother is miscegenating, consorting with aliens by allowing the other into her womb.

The solution for social chaos is to create a society in which there never emerges the conditions in which these individuals are forced to seek an independant oedipal machine, gangs, political organizations, rebellions, and other such extra-social structures. Social engineering provides the best life for them, a comfortable slavery in which to fully submit to, as was once achieved for a portion of white Americans.

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