Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Game Expression

While both Space and Time can be considered as constant if they remain static, when either are in motion, they are forced to be considered as inextricable. In motion through time, spatial motion must occur as a fixed position will still change relatively to the motion of things around oneself, and likewise, spatial motion begets temporal motion as making one movement requires multiple positions to be occupied in sequence. Such is further extrapolated upon when the Journey is shown to model the calendar, in being cyclical while still achieving change as each cycle happen as part of a linear sequence of cycles.

In order for motion to occur, two entities must be present, the entity moving and a fixed context in which to know motion is occuring at all.The entity moving is an enclosed piece which is manipulated within its context, to use the storytelling example, expressed as a Character, with codependant values of Time and Place which is Position within its Mode. Mode, by being expanded in this way, comes to mean Discursive Context, within which “location” is metaphorical and only occasionally physical.

Modes often express themselves into characters and vice versa, as in the case of mystic art which personifies seasons, nations, zodiac signs, etc into human characters. Dictating this expression is the Game, a set of instructions which governs the manipulation of entities within a given text. The Game is the highest Mode available, within which Modes/Characters are manipulated in order to craft the text.

Within the Game, all things can be imagined as isolated entities with exponential growth within, as Characters become opened as Modes and Modes become related and abstracted as Characters. In both directions, extrapolation creates an infinite variety of complexity (such being the impetus behind correspondence-mysticism of Crowley and Hall). The Game becomes revealed as the true text, as complexity grows, its sweet fruits being tastable in their isolation, those things produced by extrapolation within.

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