Saturday, August 31, 2019

Bacteriology of Political Assassination

The innovation of the intelligence deep state, in the style of the KGB or CIA, is the complete undoing of the old forms of vertical upholding of the state. Recognizing that lines of flight are offered from vertical systems as lines of communication increase, the deep states of the two blocs of the cold war had to adapt to this, creating systems of control which could withstand this attack, normally so critically destructive to vertical systems. Such was found with becoming the master of the paranoid style. In order to realize the full scale of this requires understanding the subject created in the contours of this system.

The paranoiac emerges with the rise of intelligence, developing a monotheistic Regime of Signs. In imitation of modernists, but with a more diegetically focused impulse, where the signified is found in all things, with the work of the paranoiac being to develop the complete cosmology of the signified. This belies the nature of the intelligence deep state, which is to develop a circular structure of control which makes the control total. Through total surveillance, the organization makes its territory known, information itself, staking out its claim on being an organization by, for, and of, information. This then allows it to use its position as an organ of the state to manipulate any information at will, duplicating any sign or symbol, cloaking itself in any order, committing any action with the face of another. By having control over communication itself, older verticalities are made meaningless by their operating on communication, which is the domain of the infectious organism, “KGB” or “CIA”. Thus, the same action of deposing ancient paganisms with the monotheistic evangelist is replicated, where all the local verticalities are revealed to be at their root, in bondage to that which is of their form. The CIA enters the counter-culture as the Roman church enters the British Isles, pagan traditions having their supposed truth made explicit as the signified asserts itself.

That this is bacteriological is the root of its power. Because this inevitably applies onto itself, the organization’s vertical elements are destroyed, leaving only the horizontal elements. As content is destroyed in favor of form, the organization has its content gutted, leaving only its form, which answers to no one will. Hence, there is no consequence for term limits, oustings, the fact that the directors or rulers are spied on is of no cause for alarm, disappearances of even the highest means nothing. The organization can operate even if every person within is completely focused on spiting the other, because the organization is capable of acting by its own logic, without respect to any individual or collective will.

For the society infected, this creates an ideal, but completely uncontrollable deep state. The bacteria acts as an immune system for the overall organism. As it overtakes the state itself, filling into the forms of state, it is able to act in service of whatever image the state took when the infection overtook it. Change is thus impossible, as rogue elements find themselves at the gunpoint of defense mechanisms beyond the control of any one person.

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