The innovation of the intelligence deep state, in the style of the KGB or CIA, is the complete undoing of the old forms of vertical upholding of the state. Recognizing that lines of flight are offered from vertical systems as lines of communication increase, the deep states of the two blocs of the cold war had to adapt to this, creating systems of control which could withstand this attack, normally so critically destructive to vertical systems. Such was found with becoming the master of the paranoid style. In order to realize the full scale of this requires understanding the subject created in the contours of this system.
The paranoiac emerges with the rise of intelligence, developing a monotheistic Regime of Signs. In imitation of modernists, but with a more diegetically focused impulse, where the signified is found in all things, with the work of the paranoiac being to develop the complete cosmology of the signified. This belies the nature of the intelligence deep state, which is to develop a circular structure of control which makes the control total. Through total surveillance, the organization makes its territory known, information itself, staking out its claim on being an organization by, for, and of, information. This then allows it to use its position as an organ of the state to manipulate any information at will, duplicating any sign or symbol, cloaking itself in any order, committing any action with the face of another. By having control over communication itself, older verticalities are made meaningless by their operating on communication, which is the domain of the infectious organism, “KGB” or “CIA”. Thus, the same action of deposing ancient paganisms with the monotheistic evangelist is replicated, where all the local verticalities are revealed to be at their root, in bondage to that which is of their form. The CIA enters the counter-culture as the Roman church enters the British Isles, pagan traditions having their supposed truth made explicit as the signified asserts itself.
That this is bacteriological is the root of its power. Because this inevitably applies onto itself, the organization’s vertical elements are destroyed, leaving only the horizontal elements. As content is destroyed in favor of form, the organization has its content gutted, leaving only its form, which answers to no one will. Hence, there is no consequence for term limits, oustings, the fact that the directors or rulers are spied on is of no cause for alarm, disappearances of even the highest means nothing. The organization can operate even if every person within is completely focused on spiting the other, because the organization is capable of acting by its own logic, without respect to any individual or collective will.
For the society infected, this creates an ideal, but completely uncontrollable deep state. The bacteria acts as an immune system for the overall organism. As it overtakes the state itself, filling into the forms of state, it is able to act in service of whatever image the state took when the infection overtook it. Change is thus impossible, as rogue elements find themselves at the gunpoint of defense mechanisms beyond the control of any one person.
Saturday, August 31, 2019
Friday, August 30, 2019
On Conclusions
"I am become death”
-Robert Oppenheimer
-Robert Oppenheimer
Mythologies are only birthing when the mandala is read atemporally, without concern for linear time. As such, the mandala of modernity takes place in 1945, well into its running. As the Kalevala wasn’t formalized until the 19th century, the mythic truth of modernity wasn’t formalized until WW2. The human perspective is limited in these matters, as humanity requires assistance from luck and fate to be born after the events which wrote the mythology, in order to see clearly the age in question. When this is possible, the mandala is able to be an egg by being at the center of the system of meaning, the faciality from the signified god at the center. In this case the rocket.
Just as the beginning-action of Gravity’s Rainbow is picking through the rubble of the V-2 strikes, the aftermath is when the text is completed enough to be read. After all strands of meaning converge on a single point of the signified-god, there is left a wreckage. All strands of meaning converged, combined, and then splintered off together, to form a readable text (wreckage) where all things are related and present as they were in the signified-god, thus granting them meaning from the entire mandala. HBO’s Chernobyl recognizes this. As Gorbachev himself recognized later in life, the mythic egg of the Soviet Union occurred in 1986. By beginning after the explosion, all strands have come together to be read, the mandala already completed for reading. The egg of the Soviet Union was formed for them to dissect and fully uncover the entirety of the Soviet Union, all its themes and motifs summarized and made explicit in the faciality of the corium egg.
The signified-god emerges thus as an untouchable ideal of an existing object. The Soviet Union emerges from Corium, the NATO Technocracy from Rocket, the NeoLiberal Empire from Oil. As these societies descend from these signified-gods, systems of meaning generated by them, the lesson of Foucault is realized. By his broadly reaching citation, Foucault recognizes that the author of societies is never individual or even a group acting in concert. The author of the texts of our realities is always not only non-human, but above and below human. Oil, Corium, Rockets, these substances are singular, acting as substrates, while also being transcendent, above and out of reach of human control.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Justifying the State
All logic is ultimately circular, relying upon an opaque sign which guarantees meaning to the rest of the system. All meaning of a system descends from and is in reference to this sign in a codependant spiral. In all discourses, this mechanism is present, with the God-signs of particular ideologies changing their exact contours, but still fulfilling the same function. The scientific conception of “reality”, the leftist notion of “purity”, the liberal notion of “freedom”, etc. In all of these cases, the central sign fulfills the axial function, around which the entire system of the argument depends, with the argument only being in reference to, with explication of this sign occurring either indirectly or in reference to another sign.
Such is the character of the State. First imagining society as a pyramidal structure in which the banner of the State is at the apex, the State forms itself as the sign which has its contours formed by being the embodiment of the State. All power-projection emanating from the State is thus occurring in reference to the sign which is of the State itself.
Via the Mandate of Heaven, this is the source of the State’s legitimacy. Unlike the liberal critics, who believe the sign guaranteeing the State to be an objective third party (reason, god, the people), which guarantees the instability of the state by giving it a foundation in something beyond, thereby deferring the meaning-creation capability of the State itself, the State derives its power from its own presence. By putting forth positive signs, the State makes itself into a God, with its meaning created by its mere existence. Only in this circularity, does the State justify itself, as only by being circular, can the State create itself as something not in deference to any higher authority.
Legitimacy is thus a false question, as it presupposes the State’s deference to a higher sign. The Mandate of Heaven is held by whatever party holds the power of the throne, thus making themselves into the State and giving themselves the position of authority that is from the State. This conflict is put into practice in the debate over the legitimacy of the CCP in holding the Chinese State. The Judeo-Christians constantly claim that the Chinese Communist Party is not in possession of the Mandate, as they supposedly break from some old tradition of Chinese rule. Such belies a Euro-Judaic-Rational understanding of authority however, with no comprehension of the Pagan Patchwork of self-referential State Authority. The Chinese Communist Party holds the Mandate of Heaven by being in power and holding in their hands control over the people, resources, and culture, of China, through the organs of power constructed as the Chinese State over millennia. The supposedly right wing position on China thus belies itself as the leftist position, requiring that the State justify itself to a rational order, assuming the same god of the rationals, the monotheistic judaic sign, to be the ultimate guarantor of authority.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Colonial Decay
As the common lesson of using ink-marks on paper to show the distinction between inside and outside teaches, there can be no concept of either of a pair without its opposite. Without two, there is zero, one being the creation of two. This applies to all systems with multiple parts, where the parts are formed by their relationship to each other. Such is seen in labor organization, where the owner and worker are formed only by their relationship to each other.
Ignorant of this codependency, the settler-colonial ideology of labor relations is one based on creating a bourgeois without a proletariat. The white settlers, who create themselves as a single caste with a spectrum of roles (petit blanc to boll weevil) defined by their degree of possession of the central object of the caste (whiteness), are all working in concert with this view of labor relations. The material reality of their production, the land, resources, and slaves, are all made to be absent. Unlike in feudal society, where the peasantry is held as part of the larger community, of which the monarch is the apex of, in settler-colonial society, the white believes himself to have done everything himself, with the physical production being of his own hands. In shameful recognition of his foundations - stealing the land he calls his own, using slavery for labor, he creates systems which work to render these things invisible. Slaves are robbed of their personhood, land is stripped of meaning by removal (by exile, killing, or enslavement) of native populations, and the lowest of the ruling caste, the petit blanc, are tasked with being closest to the dark reality of their society, consciously enforcing and upholding the more full blindness of the higher classes.
Such a structure emerged from the capitalist creation of societies. With the ideology of the complete individual in mind, the partial individuality of all people as codependant parts of a larger system had to be rectified. Thus emerges the invisibility of labor, where the bourgeois is imagined as complete, without need of the proletariat. This invisibility came about in practice from the capitalist idea via projects which sought to empower humans to capitalist individuality. In European colonialism, the colony’s financial organs made up a front facade that interacted with the markets of the world. Behind this front facade, in order to better cope with the stressors of the market, the colony itself was built on outsourcing to atomized individuals, all tasked with finding their own ways to extract the wants of the market and send it outwards.
There can be no healthy society built from this. Only as long as the colony remains in a state of perpetual expansion can it be said to be healthy, with constant motion delaying the inevitable return of the repressed and invisible. In most settler-colonial societies, this time of expansion has long past. The consequences of a society of invisibility is its destruction, as that which, in stable societies is perfectly visible, makes itself violently visible against its oppression, thus causing irreparable shock.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Valorization vs Role/Desire
Infesting the minds of the transgender left like a parasite, the spectre of the TERF looms as an obsession, a fetish of pain like the Jew or Bourgeoisie. Entire communities emerge in order to bravely refute things posted on the enemy’s forums, which are obsessively watched in a masochistic emotional-abuse ritual. The routine goes like this: the TERF position is that the transgender woman suffers from insufficient reality in their identity. The opposite position is that this is untrue, for reasons determined entirely by the social truth of the transgender woman’s validity, even if such has to be forced or coerced. Inherent in the position of both is an unspoken belief in the nature of identity, obsessed with some form of valorization. For the TERF, womanhood is formed not by any feminine characteristics, but by a shared racial-type oppression, fused onto the skin in the same way as blackness. For the transwoman, the same is true, but ultimately on shakier ground. Either the transwoman has to be admitted as being trans before being a woman or that this valorization is not the truth of identity (the correct option). Being of leftist dogma, the transgender left is left defending their incomplete valorization with a double facedness. Identity is historical and valorized, except in the case of transpeople, where identity is arbitrarily affirmed as being determined self-declaratively, with no other heuristic. The TERF is able to latch on as such a large figure because the TERF poses questions unable to be answered under a leftist framework, because the position of the TERF is the same belief on the nature of identity the transgender left holds on all other types of identities, the transgender left requiring a double-ideology, one system for gender and race/class/ability/etc.
With womanhood being enclosed by valorization, becoming-woman is made impossible. As long as identity is affirmed through being valorized, feminism wins, and queerness loses. Becoming-woman requires fundamentally that identity be based in desire. Not to say that mere desire to becoming-woman makes womanhood, but that identity is a product of processes, one of which may be becoming via desire. Such a problem is shown in the leftist confrontation of race. That identity of the white, with no sanction as a valorized identity, must be informed internally, a desire towards one’s own historical continuity. Identity is only permitted as a valorized grafting, a penitential branding earned by inborn suffering. Such ignores the reality of identity-formation. Identities emerge as signs as the conclusion of a larger system of meaning. In the feminist tale of the construction of “woman” for the control of reproduction, this is recognized. The same is seen in the construction of any other race or gender or sexuality, where the label or identity itself only comes after desire and role form it in greater social contexts. Essential femininity thus lies in the same place as all other essential characteristics, the performance of a role that creates an identity as the conclusion. Such a framework allows for desire and thus for becoming-woman in a way that the left will never be able to accomodate.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Machinic Slavery
In the Oedipal drama, the individual is introduced to the model of servitude which will make up their vision of homely warmth. In an infant state, they are swaddled within a crushing regime, moving in an order incomprehensible to them as anything except some higher holy order, which dictates the pain and pleasure they experience. Such is replicated by all male builder-types working in aggregate in construction of their cities and institutions. The conventional life as experienced by the common man can be seen as attempting to recreate this systemic capture of the self’s inputs and exputs. Pain and pleasure must be systematized and balance each other. Pain begets pleasure in the capitalist notion of “hard work” being rewarded and pleasure begets pain in the same idea. The linking of these is performed daily, the circular commute and consumptive spiral, goods and products working in tandem with the career to replicate the milk and punishments of mother’s postnatal womb.
When this is left untraumatized, the mind is solidified as a closed loop, a system wholly devoted to seeking this systemic living. When this mind is fully created, the human is nothing more than an animal, with no lines of flight from an enclosed system of oedipal-seeking. In trauma however, the human is left to the next phase, to put the formation of their mind towards higher ends, creating a soul atop the basic intelligence.
That the majority settles into oedipal-brain allows for society to be constructed by their intelligences seeking identical goals, thus forming an aggregate product by the difference between all collaborations. With machines being created to emulate the mother, a similar bond is formed as to the mother. The oedipal-human thus has oedipal affection for his environment, causing the sexually charged loyalty to context. Such is evident in the sexual fears demonstrated in anti-desegregation demonstrations, talk of impurity by mere presence. The mother is miscegenating, consorting with aliens by allowing the other into her womb.
The solution for social chaos is to create a society in which there never emerges the conditions in which these individuals are forced to seek an independant oedipal machine, gangs, political organizations, rebellions, and other such extra-social structures. Social engineering provides the best life for them, a comfortable slavery in which to fully submit to, as was once achieved for a portion of white Americans.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Explicating the Dragon
At the base of the human body is a Dragon, which is the seed that brought the being, into existence. The Dragon consumes basic Energy of the world, converting it into Qi in the human body, thus being the vitality which allows movement. There is thus an engine taking in fuel (food, sunlight, etc) and converting it into human-energy, which can be expressed outwards as a present force. Produced energy, when expressed outwards, can be consumed again as spiritual energy, which feeds as physical energy does. As food is produced from the Earth and converted to a higher form (human materiality), so too is this produced from human materiality and converted to a higher form - the soul.
As energy converted into Qi creates waste product, the base-material devoid of its vivifying characteristics, expelled as urine and feces, so does higher states of energy. Such is expressed through similarly higher excretions, sweat and fertile production-cells. The Dragon, being of the physical, has its nature in continual life-production, which leads towards death. As such, it desires endless output of the fertile production-cells (sperm and egg), in order to maintain fertility. These can be auto-cannibalized and cannibalized from others. The former requires solitary, well built up orgasm, which concludes in expelling fertile-production cells, while re-absorbing the virility produced by the Dragon in anticipation of procreation. The latter requires oral ingestion of another’s sexual fluids, both being well documented in White Tigress sexual praxis.
The Dragon is easily tricked, however. Being singularly purposed machine, with no reason other than consumption and its own reproduction, its energies can be easily yoked to alien ends. Such is the nature of feminine vampirism. The Dragon can only be served by ideological superstructures which deliberately force humanity to serve it - hence the policing nature of Enlightenment and Judeo-Christian-Islamic ideologies - and can easily be used for higher ends. The fear of all servants of the bacterial-humanity that is only of the Dragon is sexual freedom for this reason. Deviance in gender, sexuality, or womanhood is deviance from breeding and thus deviance away from mud-existence of reproduction. Just as primary materials are transmuted upwards into cultural products, the independent feminine transmutes energies upwards into higher energies, towards freedoms unknown by the Dragon, freedoms far and away from stratified vivicarceration.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Game Expression
While both Space and Time can be considered as constant if they remain static, when either are in motion, they are forced to be considered as inextricable. In motion through time, spatial motion must occur as a fixed position will still change relatively to the motion of things around oneself, and likewise, spatial motion begets temporal motion as making one movement requires multiple positions to be occupied in sequence. Such is further extrapolated upon when the Journey is shown to model the calendar, in being cyclical while still achieving change as each cycle happen as part of a linear sequence of cycles.
In order for motion to occur, two entities must be present, the entity moving and a fixed context in which to know motion is occuring at all.The entity moving is an enclosed piece which is manipulated within its context, to use the storytelling example, expressed as a Character, with codependant values of Time and Place which is Position within its Mode. Mode, by being expanded in this way, comes to mean Discursive Context, within which “location” is metaphorical and only occasionally physical.
Modes often express themselves into characters and vice versa, as in the case of mystic art which personifies seasons, nations, zodiac signs, etc into human characters. Dictating this expression is the Game, a set of instructions which governs the manipulation of entities within a given text. The Game is the highest Mode available, within which Modes/Characters are manipulated in order to craft the text.
Within the Game, all things can be imagined as isolated entities with exponential growth within, as Characters become opened as Modes and Modes become related and abstracted as Characters. In both directions, extrapolation creates an infinite variety of complexity (such being the impetus behind correspondence-mysticism of Crowley and Hall). The Game becomes revealed as the true text, as complexity grows, its sweet fruits being tastable in their isolation, those things produced by extrapolation within.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Educational Isolation
Far from the original purpose of higher education (the reinforcement of social class by spending ones formative years in a cloistered institutions studying an official canon, such as the Greco-Romans or the Four Arts), the democratizers have taken it upon themselves to make this institution open to the public. With the ridiculous idea in mind that the majority of students (of any social class) give even a fraction of interest towards what they study, they believe the purpose of higher education to be its content and not its form. An entire apparatus has emerged for the purpose of their aims, achieving “higher education” by any means. Those means are, in almost all cases, turning college into an extension of high school, allowing the consumptive dregs of the American middle class to coast through a prolonged childhood. In dark mirror of these “benefactors”, another industry has emerged which exists to drag out and profit from the slow torment of its captives. Those students falling out of the script are strapped down upon “special education” and “financial aid”, propped alive even at their own detriment, leaving high school with artificially lowered IQ, doped up on SSRIs, leaving college in debt to pay bills they were never intended to be able to afford.
The backlash against this has been neatly demonstrated in Kantbot’s article, “Guns Don’t Kill People, School Psychologists Do”, the content of which goes without summarizing. In higher education, the backlash is slower, steadier, but with the same purpose and intent. Here the propellant isn’t psychiatric policing inspiring retaliatory violence, but the financial strain on those unable to pay out of pocket for their higher education. Both left and right step in now, to accept their acolytes in railing against the decrepit institution which they were suckered into attending.
As the apex form of rising-against any system, the modern iteration of violence against the Crowd emerges from the school from this pressure. A glance over the faces and facts of the perpetrators of these massacres reveals a single psychosis at the core of it all. In the mind of the massacring killer, all of humanity is imagined as the mysterious, seductive, judging woman, with fully opaque mind. In desperation to seize back control, against the womanly wiles of the world, in revolutionary anger against some vague idea of their particular oppression, the killer works themselves into eschatological overheating until they strike out against the crowd, the sublimated rage through an individual echoing the anarchic cell-attacks during Anni di piombo.
Just as the educational environment has lost its Symbolic value, so are the locations which are chosen in non-school mass shootings. The public, empty, commercial places where the gunman takes aim are chosen for being the same as the school, having suffered the same fate. As any character writer knows, the school is the ideal location of character drama, with every individual being trapped in an isolated box to do alien objectives, together. The shopping mall is the same form of liminal space, humans bouncing around its echoing walls like particles in a void, mindlessly moving. Without purpose, the subject has nothing to plug into, no reason to exist. When combined with the particular individualist psychosis afflicting the corpulent middle of America’s white society, all that’s left is the individual’s masculinity to prove against the woman, the world.
The nihilistic defenders of the fluorescent halls where they earned their four year degrees in “communications finance” and similar nonsensical non-topics point to what they see as the obvious: engaging the police state to take away the citizen’s weaponry. So blinded are they by the ideology of loneliness they defend, they cannot see even the purpose behind these attacks. The opening of the university’s doors, to pretend as something it isn’t, a job training program for the masses, has immediately, destroyed the reality within. Funding cuts for these democratic pushes are destroying STEM and Humanities in favor of, at best, pseudo-scientific pursuits such as psychiatry and sociology, at worst, in favor of the twin pillars of the modern school, sports and MBAs. Subtly, another brick in the once stable wall is taken down. The subject is left standing in rubble, another little hierarchy, another stable institution, another form of authority, of meaning, of symbolic truth torn away, as all that is solid melts into an amorphous, institutional air, a poison without source or substance but no less present.
Friday, August 9, 2019
Explicating the Spider
The spider has evolved multiple behaviors of hunting which can be split in two by their relation to the physical space in which they reside. Stationary spiders take on one relation, where they carve out for themselves a space with their spinnerets, settling into a home made out of their body. Moving spiders take on another, stalking, chasing, hunting, and in various ways catching, their prey as nomads.
It comes as no surprise then that symbolism of the spider comes in these two forms. Of the web, the spider is written as the weaver, the writer. Arachne challenged Athena to a contest of artistic creation and won, upstaging the vertical structure above her and for it, was punished to be a creation condemned to eternal integration with what she struck against Heaven with. The spider here crafts out of themselves the text, the home of meaning in which they live. The full system of the web, with its variously purposed threads, all point to the author at the center, where any alien that encounters it must deal with the author, from which it all descends.
Of the latter, the spider is written as the soul or its container. The spider is said to be the dreamer’s soul, wandering through the world at night, aimlessly roaming free of the body. As any who have heard the strange machinic noises of a large spider moving, a spider’s locomotion occurs by hydraulics. The human sees their own composition reflected here. The spider exists in two relations, one within themselves, as a field of flow to be manipulated, and the result of those manipulations, which is the spider’s movements in relation to their context. Such is the input/exput system of the human. The human exists in reception of the environment and the body’s Qi, which flows through the body and can then be manipulated by the intelligence (spider as web-spinner) atop the machine (spider as hunter). The human does this in order to move as a complete entity, changing the enclosed body’s relationship to space by changing the internal hydraulic mechanics.
The spider symbolizes the practitioner in this dual action. The practitioner must achieve intelligence in order to create for themselves the spider form. The spider form writes themselves the web of meaning which allows them a free space of interaction and further writing, within which they can achieve movement. Movement allows for breaking free and going higher, climbing the strands of webbing to heaven.
Monday, August 5, 2019
High Postmodernism
As the clock by which they all set their watches grew worn and began to drift farther and farther from the twenty four hour cycle, the colonists were thrown into terror. All their scientific and philosophical projects, all the objectivity with which they were taming the savage Earth was falling into disarray, the central axis torn away from them. Distracted forever, they spin their wheels to the end, chasing futile attempts to reconstruct the center, without having any center to guide their reconstruction. All rational discourses work in this way, requiring the primordial clockmaker by which they yoke their language to. At the core of all investigation is an unspoken purpose, the axial center of the discourse which the discourse is attempting to move towards. Rational investigation continues in this autistic fashion. A structuralist author reads reality as an incomplete map to the platonic realm of Marx, Freud, Darwin, etc.
This is not unique. All writing needs a source in order to orient its meaning. What is occuring with the rationals is a reimagination of the source as being based in direct texts, on the same realm as the one they produce. Sources do not traditionally take this form, with the source-text of traditional texts being the local context from which they emerge. Such is the genesis of the Epic poem, forming a summary and interpretation of the original culture from which it emerges. When texts are created with other texts as their source documents, the intelligentsia emerges with their Floating World (Ukiyo-e), the cultured realm mutating in conversation with itself. The rational spirit rises from this in hatred of it. Desiring to rediscover the community, they work backwards, finding the source-text they believe to be fitting of a reality they never encountered, and work tirelessly to apply the new discourses upon it. When European Man outsourced his manual labor to the colonies he saw the Real in those colonies, forming a racial ideology of physical reality only truly existing in the hands of the black and brown subjects of his machinations. Journeying far afield, he sought them out, to unify himself with them who supposedly held the key to his sources.
That writing in reference to other writing creates a Floating World was recognized by the post-modernist generation after the complete collapse of all meta-narratives in a smoldering rubble at the bottom of 1945. Producing texts in conversation with an infinite variety of sources from all facets of culture, the post-modernists produced truly decadent poetics. These intellectuals, consciously or not, brought back the spirit of creativity in language, which can only be found by abandoning the real, as the real had always been abandoned by the intelligent poets and philosophers. Language returns to poetics, in dialogue with itself and for itself, after the long sordid dream of the enlightenment.
Saturday, August 3, 2019
As the player of Getting Over It continues through the game, the nature of the mountain becomes apparent as not being the natural mountain seen in the beginning. As the player ascends into the sky, the mountain slowly turns into a pile of assets haphazardly stuck together. This resolidifies into the icy shapes of the final third of the game after Orange Hell. The tone of the narration changes as well, extrapolating and expanding upon the junk pile that makes up the middle third. The game ends with an ode to junk and persistence, the beauty of small projects and efforts of futile love, as the original Sexy Hiking was.
One of the earlier terms for the internet was the “information superhighway”, referring to the concepts marketed at the dawn of the HTTP protocol, the ability of the internet to perform the function once performed by encyclopedias and libraries. Just as with libraries, the systems of organization of information emerged as the primary concern of the internet, with the first internet companies being focused on the organization of communication and information. The surviving websites after the dotcom bubble were those which did this most effectively, Amazon and Google being noticeable examples.
A second trend emerged alongside this, new organizations of content with defined space for user creation of content. Here, Getting Over It is relevant. With the focus on premade assets, Getting Over It references others which use a similar structure. Myspace profiles and were early examples of this, where the overall structure created individual spaces for each user, who was fit to mix and match content within a set of rules they created. The uncanny and creepy feeling of Worlds is based on this, the modern effect being agglomerated rules and ideas, creating a system of surreal connections between disjointed sets of assets, strung together by long offline intelligences. Above all else, this brings into sharp focus the structure of online content-generation.
The nesting of structures shows an interesting problem of online narratology. The structure of a content-generating structure, like Worlds, is a greater structure which the internal structures and logics are always beholden to. The greater structure escapes however, as to transcribe it requires it to be made into the lesser structure and be beholden to a greater structure of its own, the technical system of the computer, for instance. The resulting overall structure is pyramidal, a hierarchal relationship from the most base ruleset of technical possibility to increasingly specific rulesets as virtualization occurs in finer and finer amounts, until the end product, the game or website the user interacts with.
What technology offers is rulesets into which to channel creative energies, languages to input into. In doing so, technology fulfills the function of formal artistic education, where the ruleset is constructed to give productive channels by which creative energies can create more developed and interesting works than if the hand were untrained. This is symbolized in the aesthetic of the Junkworlds of Getting Over It, Garry’s Mod, the Filthy Frank lore, and others similar, where the preoccupation is with abstraction and manipulation, in recognition of technology’s key role in increasing types of abstraction available and thereby increasing the amount of rulesets with which to speak into.
Friday, August 2, 2019
Explicating the Hakenkreuz
In the spiral motion of a fluid-processing system a flow is modified in its interaction with the intelligently operating system that harnass the undifferentiated flow to a higher end, such as in the case of a watermill or electric dam. The Yin operation of the human works in this way, with the higher structures of human intelligence directing the manipulation of flows through input and exput, allowing the human to profit off entropy. In doing so, the possibility of life exists, where committing to this death-action of profiting from entropy allows for the flows to be put to higher ends, thus being the life-creation of death-driving.
In this is the Yin-cycle of feminine production which is the origin of true life in superstructural things (art, culture, etc). The necromancy of this cycle works in four stages, which operate as two sets of two cycles.
At the Western crook, lies Blood, which is the virile energy that fuels the human, which fuels thought. At the Northern crook lies Water, which is the unconscious/dreaming. By way of slaughter, the chaotic language-motions of thought are burned and channeled down to a singular production in the Eastern crook, Ink. At the peak of writing, the text is formed, which stands alone as a single object in isolation, the Southern crook, Semen. Reading of produced texts inputs back into Blood and thus beginning over the cycle.
At the peak of Water and Semen, sits the basic binary of presence and absence. When Water is at its apex, all things are absent, in the linguistic flowing of eternal deferment that thought requires. When Semen is at its apex, the thing is present as Shen, the single name and object standing alone as a sign. Water functions through symbols, which have their meaning deferred to each other and operate in extraction, while Semen functions through signs, which stand for themselves, referring to themselves. As such, Water can only exist truly in dreaming and unconsciousness, with any writing down of it being done through Ink, which transmutes it into Semen. In the same, Semen disappears when it’s interpreted (read) back through Blood into Water. The binary is thus only present at the apexes of Reading and Writing, 0 present atop Water, 1 present atop Semen. The actions between, reading and writing, make up the circular motion of the cycle, the former being the action of Blood and the latter being the action of Ink.
This as an overall mapped system shows the entirety of feminine magic, necromancy. By the death present in the consumption into blood and the refining into ink, life as in art, culture, is created. As such, this is the map of Lillith, the Hakenkreuz. Being an entropinous system, at the core of it lies Kali Ma, the Goddess which governs the feminine way of interacting with the world, which is through this system.
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