Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Warrior

For quite some time, physics grappled poorly with the problems of turbulence. Its nature couldn’t be pinned down, with one motion creating an infinitely many more motions, the substance shifted into complete unpredictability in short order. This is the general pattern that occurs when multiple dynamic objects are placed in close proximity, their motions all being able to influence each other’s, thereby creating exponentially many possibilities.

The battle scenario in its primitive form, carries the same chaotic dynamics as turbulence. Such was the impetus for the development of organization of armed forces, tactics and strategies.  With some stake in creating a specific outcome, leaders developed their own methods of attempting to organize this from within, making their actors follow a singular Way with which to tame the chaos of the environment they were plunging into.

This created a prison for the warrior, as such formations required state capture of the war machine. The warrior’s impulse, that of the primitive and nomadic, is an impulse unified with this chaos, desiring the chaos as a fire to immerse oneself in. The warrior impulse is that which resists even the organization of sides, desiring ultimately the singular self against the violence of pure turbulence. It is for this reason that the purest expressions of a state’s captured war-machines are always when those machines are let loose without constraint, immersed within the enemy to become feral. Such is the purpose behind creating groups such as the American military’s Tiger Force.

The warrior is therefore fundamentally down a mystic path, desiring this meditative state of the turbulence, before capture. The warrior’s ascendance is reflected in this, with ranks of military and sports hierarchy increasing the importance of the individual, being compared alongside less and less equals as promotion increase, defined more and more as a singular person. The state however is always lagging in doing this harnessing. The warrior moves on with motions of their own, with the state’s Way being only a feeble and fleeting attempt to capture.

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