The bifurcation between these two occurs as communication develops. Language creates the individual by separating them from the real, instead putting them solely within their own ego by being capable of constructing a linguistic world (the subject) from experience. Language, as a cruel virus, is incestuous, coupling with itself through these dynamics and thus emerges the relations between people through language. As language is only native to the subject speaking, everything is objectified by every other, as the fundamental basis of social experience.
Language is thus possessed of mutagenic powers, abilities to speak to itself, to create entities beyond humanity which are the true products of humanity - not people, but entities, into which the person’s subject plugs in and their object is created.
The emergence of language, the evolution of this new linguistic-creature is something that few understand the extreme strangeness of. The base reality of nature has never been life. An aberration birthed the mere fact of living creatures on Earth and as an aberration against entropy, life continues. As such, the substratum of nature is suffering and death, with cycles of endless decline and repeating extinctions, with life consisting of disease, starvation, and above all, constant fear and violence. Against this, humanity committed an aberration, where this suffering was harnessed and controlled towards specific ends in the forms of coercion required to make agriculture, where the ruling class channeled the basic suffering into a profit-producing social order. In doing so, there then emerged secondary producers, who took the materials created by the underclass and made them into a linguistic superstructure: culture, art, etc. Through these artisans, scribes, and literati, emerges femininity and womanhood, as the gender purely based on secondary production, on technology and culture, the gender which must be constructed through the artistic project of “beauty” - the women’s restroom sign requiring an additional set of shapes upon the default to be known as female. It is this that is the feminine, the Superstructual peoples emerging from the Base that are created in one stroke as the entirety of civilization. Women therefore are created by Civilization, Men are only differentiated as such through it.
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