Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Timedrones and NEETdom

If the human can be said to be, as all things, a sum of its becomings, then its being is made up of the very stuff of becoming, the foundational-substance upon which all becomings take place - time. All things must happen and in order to do so, they have to work on the axis of time in some way, with the becomings adding up to a single person unified as being part of that person’s allotted section of time, delineated by the spatial existence of their personhood. That this is the foundation of the entire being in question is vital, as its the management of this foundation that makes up the primary question of its existence.

There’s a plateau of this foundation which is more essential than that of the being. It’s often the mistake of ethicists of labor to assume that the being and its time and are inextricably linked in such a fashion as to privilege the being over its time, but that’s obviously not the case. As Comrade Dyatlov, ever the Foucauldian, says after the reactor’s exploded “I need bodies”, not the being, but the foundational substance upon which beings are predicated. It’s thus plateau where the body and its existence in doing and in space exists, which creates the way in which time fits into a plateau of calculation beneath the being. Such is labor - the investment of flesh, situated in time, devoting its time and flesh to an alien system of capture, allowing the capturing-force to gain surplus value beyond their own time and flesh.

Such a calculation has been in play since the beginning, with all economics requiring this fundamental fact to operate. Agricultural society’s labor always requires that huge amounts of humanity be devoting its foundational substances to the benefit of a minority via their systems of capture, as the very concept of growth or profit requires that something be free. The resources are finite, and in fact, diminished, upon completion of production, and in order to make that production worthwhile, more has to be created from a physically reductive process. Such a thing can only occur when the amount of captured (ie, free) labor is beyond the value expended in the creation of the finished good.

Two classes of people are produced from this, those whose being is yoked to an alien system and those whose being is under their complete control. The question of wageslavery is laid out in its name - the wage isn’t merely an eight hour period of slavery, but an entire structuring of ones being around providing their foundational-substances for the sake of the alien machine they’ve been plugged into (hence the way in which the consoomer class of /a/ and /v/ and Reddit are wageslaves in their NEETdom, their corporate masters replacing the bossman as their temporal master). The ultimate aristocratic virtue, held by the bourgeois and the NEET alike, is the opposite of this - the ability to devote ones foundational substances to machines of ones own enclosure, being self-encapsulated and self-consuming of all their allotted energies.

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