Tuesday, November 19, 2019

National DNA

At the genetic level of White Africa, there is apartheid. Leftist race theorists have performed endless whining over the problems of micro-level recreations of larger power structures, microaggressions, unconscious bias, cultural appropriation, etc. All of these are absolutely correct. At the foundational level of each person in a caste society, that caste recreates itself in the ontology of their personhood and in turn, in the patterns of being they’re taught to perform at the structural level of their minds, creating their personhood in the form of the ontology decided by their caste. It’s from this basic pattern of being, inscribed as the ideal into their most unconscious assumptions of becoming regarding identity, that all the recreations of larger social systems occur, where systemic categories turn into individual biases, where judicial orders turn into ideological assumptions.

White Africa has faced its travails over the past decades as they attempt to exorcise this very heritage from their bodies. The modern nations of Africa still abide by the colonial borders cast originally, the nations with a large settler population still overrun with white ownership of much of their wealth. Attempting to undo this, reclaiming their homeland for their own rule, the black revolutionaries have cast these nations into dissolution, as is the case in the various Congo states and what remains of Rhodesia. These nations were nations founded from their very borders, from the most base-level mentalities of their subjects, from their very languages, as colonial projects and in order to undo this colonialism, the entire nation must be destroyed. Any nation which doesn’t go through this self-destruction to then rebuild from the ground-up is doomed to forever recreate the structures of older rule, as South Africa is gradually realizing, with the Zimbabwe-style communists beginning to rise up in slow realization.

This points to the structure of society being far deeper than can be ever done away with by mere shifting of those holding the reigns of power. It’s taken remarkably few generations for Maoist thought to be completely forgotten in favor of older Confucian centralist doctrines, as the territory remained consistent and the capital remained in Bejing palaces. The central imperial order reasserted itself, the people and structures having the DNA seed-material which would recreate that order. Within the territory’s boundaries, the culture, the people themselves, is inscribed via the overall flow of the greater nation, the processes which recreate the nation after catastrophe.

Overwriting or modifying these basic levels always requires incredible catastrophe, to replace some of the existant and replace it with a new. The nation of the thirteen colonies was destroyed and replaced with the nation known today by the destruction of the native peoples to the west. Bosnia became muslim by Ottomon invasion and overcoding, remaking the nation into a new form. It’s for this reason that an alien ideology must be imposed, that of the once invisible populations or foreign marxist ideologies, in order to attempt to undo the genealogical level in which the nation of the caste system is overthrown. Americans have since the beginning of their nation, due to their democratic delusions, been engaged in an attempt to undo this since the beginning of the nation’s history. With the society built at the DNA level, it must either be destroyed, in full or part, and replaced, or no change will ever come, as has happened since the 1960s, where the formal end of southern Jim Crow has done little to replace the racial caste system of the United States.

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