Thursday, September 5, 2019

(IQ), i(IQ)

That intelligence could ever be so considered as the accurate word to describe the operations of so-called Artificial Intelligence reveals the nature of intelligence plainly. Intelligence, as shown in the etymological origins of “computer” as an individual person tasked with the lowest calculating work of accounting, is a type of a machine, one which takes in data, performs a unique operation, and outputs information. Intelligence thus works not only by itself, as in the individual thinker or algorithm, but in aggregate, with Raketen-Stadt style machine-organizations such as the Manhattan Project.

The value of individual humans, far beyond that of machines, is the ability to control intelligence, by manipulating it from a removed perspective, putting the intelligent (computational faculties) of their minds to multiplicitous ends. The human mind is able to within itself run multiple operating systems on its CPU in parallel, working multiple intelligences (discourses) at once. Such produces in one action, creativity, imagination, criticism, etc. Intelligence measurements cannot be singular for this reason, with the basic human processing ability being capably of operating multiple machines at once and more importantly, running meta-machines to manipulate those machines (philosophy, criticism). Human intelligence can thus only be measured with infinitely dimensional complex numbers, every new intelligence-machine added to the mind adding another IQ; iIQ, jIQ, kIQ…

Descending from the Prussian ideal of intelligence, the value of water fluoridation conspiracies blossoms to showing a darker truth, which is the systems working to restrict human intelligence. The modern school system, based on the Prussian martial-industrial system, is obsessed in the United States and East Asia because the school system works as water fluoridation, attempting to limit the scope and parallel-capabilities of the mind. With the exception of the furthest reaching wildernesses of pure mathematics and adjacent fields, STEM problems are ultimately problems for computers, moreso than humans. Humans are perfectly capable of them, by running the STEM operating system, but not as effectively as computers. STEM is a single discourse, with problems within being problems of raw intelligence-force within this discourse, requiring no stepping-outside (creativity, theory) to solve. The STEM obsessed human turns themselves into a machine of this form of intelligence. The NPC meme (and its precursor, “Fluoride Stare”) applies to Redditors so elegantly for this reason, as they overwhelmingly have training in STEM which causes them to act inside discourses of science, consumerism, electorialism, without being able to comprehend any exterior to it. This human is the goal of the Prussian Martial-Industrial project at the heart of American/East Asian education, a truth symbolized obliquely by reactions against water fluoridation. Water fluoridation decreases human mental ability by decreasing not intelligence itself, but multiplicity of intelligence, attempting to reduce the mind to a machine.

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