Saturday, July 13, 2019


The state of matter after its original height began its long downward spiral into heat death when it exploded out from infinite compression, bursting forth to begin to die. The one way direction of energetic momentum begun instantly and from this, the reactions of entropinous decay brought forth the creation we so take for granted, leading to our current moment of life. This primordial scene created the basic differentiation, the creation of a binary, between life and death. The relationship between these two is one of the complete codependencies, as in all binaries. When a single black dot is drawn on an empty white piece of paper, what’s been created, from the monolithic oneness of the paper, is two, the positive and negative space. The positive space is formed in itself in opposition to the negative space, with both existing by virtue of not-being the other. In the same way, Life defines itself as being that which has emerged from the process-towards Death, Death as the Negative to Life’s Positive.

This occurs within a cycle of creation and extinction. From primordial undifferentiation, there occurs a big bang - the First Flame or Lord Shiva’s creation of the Golden Age - which then slowly degenerates over its course of existence, until it finally ends, the Ashen One snuffing the flame to await the next primordial spark, Kali Ma’s dance of destruction to clear the way for her husband Shiva to begin creation again. Within this cycle, Life itself works. The Darksoul provides the pigment for the creation of worlds while also being the catalyst of entropy, further driving the world into madness as each new creator so destined to link the flame makes their own blinding light, their Very Own Sun, all colliding on the same trajectory to the Dreg Heap before the merciful end can finally occur.

That the power of creation is done through an engine of death is the contradiction of life. All productive acts of the human form are acts of decay, movement of any kind releasing irreplaceable energy sent out to settle into empty electrons. This Death is worshipped in the act of cleaning oneself, where excess vitality of dead skin and hair and accumulations of life are stripped away to make the body pure, the death-nature of this being most evident in the incredible pain of burn debridement.

Yin and Yang are thus revealed, the contradicting duality of the human animal. Yang, the flow of solar light, is driven by Thanatos, as each act of motion is an act towards death. Yin, the negative anti-force acts as a channeler for this. Humanity is uniquely capable of moving away from the common death of those who think themselves immortal (kings, animals, and all other Life Worshipping masculinities), those who despair as they attempt to force their Yang to be anything other than a caustic bleach. Humanity is capable of the Life Drive through accepting Death, Eros through the primordial Thanatos. Such is the opposition made by the primordial (narratological) serpents, whose ending brings the player freedom from the Kingly fantasies of restoring glory, instead embracing themselves, embracing Eros.

The praxis of Eros is a praxis of flight, a praxis of Death worship. Death is the glowing power beneath all action and its channeling towards ends is the true transcendence. All suffering, the prison of the world, occurs as Thanatos asserts itself in power, structures doomed to death, doomed to the suffering impossible endemic to existence (all civilizations included, no matter how blessed by the Abrahamic or Enlightenment Father), the core-death inherent to all structure. The only praxis of Eros is individual flight, from whatever the circumstances may be, even, or especially, of those circumstances claimed in manly Life Worship to originally be flight or freedom in themselves.

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