As stated in the gospel of John, pre-existing the creation of the world was the Word. With the Word God descends to be the final signifier, in both the world’s creation and God’s name spoken - “I Am” - the unknowable and undefeatable real which asserts existence without any possible argument.The Word however is not fully yoked to being dictated by God. In the exclusion of humanity from Eden, God withdrew and granted humans free will or selfhood of their own. God now faces humanity not as creations, but as equals, possessed of a will and self, the same as previously only God possessed. Hence all dealings between God and Israel through the old testament narrative being done through covenants, contracts. With humanity possessed of a selfhood and independence, there are now two who can access and use the Word. The Word now becomes a mode of transmission in both directions, with both God and humanity using the Word in transmission between each other. Humanity prays and in doing so, the reverse of the action occurs as when God speaks the Word - Earth transmitting to Heaven and Heaven transmitting to Earth.
This communication produces entities in transmission. From interactions with God, emerges the hierarchy of angels experienced by Ezekiel, just as from interactions with humanity, emerges “The Accuser” of Job, such is the nature of the Holy Ghost, which descends upon from the perfect dual movement of the Word embodied (Jesus) speaking back to Heaven in his baptism, according to the Gospel of John.
Unified motion between Heaven and Earth is the dual form of movement and from such, emerges the Holy Ghost - an entity arising from perfect communication, as it did in the ecstatic moment of Jesus being baptized (the Word from God partaking in the Word’s transmission back to Heaven by way of ritual). The ideal state of things is thus to be in the state of the Holy Ghost, perfectly situated, participating in dual transmission. It is this where Faith (Sola Fide), referred to in earlier texts as Gnosis takes place. It is within this space of Faith where Scripture thus becomes vital as the means of accessing this space. As Hamann wrote of on poetry (Aesthetica in nuce), language can be method of inhabitation of Faith by functioning as a space where interpretation can be made through covenant. Such is the meaning of Sola Scriptura, which contains in itself a nature of the text of scripture unique to itself. This nature is that of Hamann’s poetry, where the text possesses authority of its own, by virtue of simply existing. This supposedly circular logic (as Papist critics have pointed out) in fact makes Scripture into an independant object which has the ability to be holy. Without being yoked to a larger body which grants it meaning - such as the rationalistic scholarship of Roman Catholicism, with its emphasis on legalistic interpretation and source archaeology - Scripture is instead allowed to function as pure communication. To engage with Scripture thus is to engage in pure Faith, with the words of the text no longer being the central meaning of the text, but the very nature of the text as the object “Scripture”. The discourses of Scripture are therefore no longer texts to be interpreted, by a room to situate one's mind in. The bible itself forms the Cloud of Unknowing.
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