Sunday, March 17, 2019

Objects, Subjects, Entities


In the eyes of an animal, “water” does not exist, only drinking. “Water” is a thing, while drinking is done with an object that exists from its usage, existing only as it is used. So is every other part of the wilderness - the mindset nature drives into one is that of viewing the wilderness as a collection of things, created by their existence as resources, ignoring all other qualities. The animal thus views themselves as existing not only in relation to a great pile of things (Objects), but they constitute their being as that which is not all these Objects, forming themselves in relation to the Objects, as an Object.


What makes the human unique however, incapable of being only an Object, is the ability of the human to have an ego and technology, two codependant forces. The interaction of these when the human enters into constructing itself in relation, forms the basis for the human creation of the Social. Human relationships, despite their similarity and basis in this primordial nature of life, have a mediating layer due to the ego and technology. The human is conscious of itself and therefore desires clothes upon itself in order to shield this central core of its consciousness. Technology (included within this language) and the ego form then a codependant relationship, where the ego builds upon itself technology while technology needs the ego to sustain its existence and need for mediation between the human and other things. 

Henceforth, in order to fulfill the need of the animal - making oneself whole - the human needs to use technology/language (henceforth referred to as Mediation) to access other things and make them as objects, and more importantly, to make themselves fully constituted as a complete and wholly enclosed object. The evidence for this can be seen in behaviors of patients in solitary confinement; whose Subject deterritorializes wildly without anything with which to put oneself in relation to.


Mediation then begins to attain life of its own. With more than one input into it, Mediation forms a system which takes on characters of its own, which are fed by those participating in it but not directly in control of it. Such is the creation of all things which we live within, all systems which we participate in - culture, rules, customs, economics, etc.

Mediation increases in its ability to speak to itself as its ability to speak is increased. Communication between people increases the amount of Mediation by amplifying its volume and technology increases Mediation by increasing its dominance in alienating the Subject from that which it mediates access to. This manifests in Entities, things that exist solely in the realm of mediation - art, ideology, capital, etc, which attain behaviors of their own by virtue of the vast diversity of inputs which enter the Entity. Mediation becomes not only Mediation, but the method of feeding and sustaining Entities

Entities are different from Objects, not only in their creation, but in that they exist sovereign from the human, something only possible by being above and from the human. As an Object, water only exists as a resource, something which fulfills a role. As an Entity however, water is no longer just a thing, but the word “water”, within which is contained an entire system, from which all the qualities of water emerge. Every writing on “water”, every utterance of “water”, ever interaction with “water”, this is Mediation which inputs into an entity of “water” that is distinct, larger, and broader reaching than the Object, unnamed, ever would be. “Water” contains within itself rivers, oceans, floods, spilling, gushing, filling, pressure, valves, pipes, whorls, vortices, none of which is contained within water which only exists in the cupped hands of the primate drinking it.

There is no turning back from this and to proclaim it to be negative is to disregard one's own complicity in it. Mediation is essential to the formation of a complete Subject. The process of regressing back into the unconscious Object is one that is most likely impossible and attempts at doing so render one destroyed beyond repair, the same, but significantly retarded from what they were before. All that can be done is to cope with the nature of Entities, something we’ve been with since the origins of anything we’d recognize as “human”. Applying this generally, an even playing field must be made between all things which fit this model, not to annihilate individual characteristics of all things, but to acknowledge their existing with far less human input than one would traditionally think in a misguidedly anthropocentric viewpoint.

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