This layout of American farming communities elides the origins and nature of the nation itself. As opposed to the process of enclosing for the creation of capitalism atop existing society in nations already established, under settler-colonialism, the nation itself is built on the principles of what enclosure attempts to establish. In viewing the land as tabula rasa (regardless of how true this may be), settler-colonialism creates the nation directly from capitalism and therefore creates a nation with no organic history or meaning behind its basic construction - its rulers, its people, its institutions - all of those being instead founded as cold economic processes which elsewhere had to be imposed upon pre-capitalist institutions. The uncannily geometric borders of the western United States evidence this, the principle of the entire United States, which is a nation not of a nation at all, but a grotesque assemblage of capitalist constructions, borders drawn before anyone has settled within them, land staked out without even one generation of experience on the continent, a population consisting of all other continents divorced from their homelands and whipped free of history until all that remains is a sterile economic racial category to identify themselves - it is from this that the United States constitutes itself.
In order to establish this capitalist nation (Der Raketen-Stadt) an immense apparatus of communication must already exist, not only in the sense of speaking to one another but in the sense of connecting people regardless of reasons for that connection to exist, with the nation’s capitalist machinery being codependant with the lines of communication it draws between all peoples. The effect of this is terminal, prompting the Marxian prophecy “all that is solid melts into air”. Equality is made with false promise, achieved by isolating and then alienating the human, making all people equal by removing all barriers between them and thus interconnecting them while removing any ability for them to form a genuine community between each other. By demolishing all borders, Der Raketen-Stadt destroys all communities, scattering all peoples to aimless existences, floating about in vast machines beyond their control, equal by virtue of being equally possessed of the bourgeois soul and thus equally alienated within Der Raketen-Stadt’s vast machinery.
The striking down of this communication was the true lesson of the Tower of Babel, the same lesson known in the doctrine of Calvinist predestination. Babelon, the demonic assemblage, the tower extrapolated, and its uncountable crimes exist on the backs of the Tower’s universalism - Catholicism, Liberalism, Socialism, Capitalism, Rationalism - all things which posit the universal nature of all people and thus lay the foundation for the establishment of Der Raketen-Stadt and thus the emergence of Babelon. The lesson of the fall of the Tower of Babel was not only that such universals should be struck down as arrogance and falsehood, but that no nation can be built upon them. Not everyone can be an Israelite and it is only by exclusion, can the identity and community be in any way robust or real. To defeat the Tower it has fallen to us therefore to destroy by refusing to participate, by establishing pluralities and identities, re-establishing what Babelon has taken away, overthrowing our captivity by forgetting it.