Thursday, February 28, 2019

Two Pathologies of the Left

In one of Reddit’s most popular left forums, /r/ChapoTrapHouse, one of the primary recurring memes is an obsessive auto-flagellation taking place on every thread even tangentially related to race, wherein the 85.1% “non-PoC” (to quote their 50k survey) userbase express a feverish desire for annihilation, inventing new methods for the genocide and abuse of white people, most especially themselves, as their responses to posts remarking on the strangeness of a white userbase engaging in such conversation.
Chapo themselves and occasional worthwhile discussion on the Subreddit identify the cause of this. The race of “white” is, more than anything else, a race that is not a race. Whiteness is the default perspective and thus it is one which is empty, without any culture of its own except ephemeral material interests of capital holdings. The leftist men (and overwhelmingly, it is men, 86% male and 89.3% non-trans according to the same survey) demonstrate in their response to this an inversion of the right wing race paranoia. The rightist is cut from the same cloth, white men with intense racial pathologies, yet theirs is outwards-looking, a fear. The rightist man’s race-pathology is a navigation of their fear-desire complex revolving around the “Other” male, something demonstrated in their cuckold fascinations. The leftist man meanwhile has a race-pathology which is turned inwards, a selfish hatred of himself for all that he is not. As all masculine individuals, he cannot live his self through anything created, but most instead find a phallus, something “real”, which the leftist is unable to find within himself. He thus engages in a twofold movement where he flagellates himself in hatred of his own lack, in hopes that it may allow him access to a “real” and thus acceptance by those who he perceives as “real” - whatever underclass he is currently obsessed with as the authentic phallus-keepers.
A recurring theme among feminist art is the depicting of the vagina from the front, remaking it from the hole it appears as in the “x-ray shot” trope of pornographic art into the neo-phallus of “pussy”. Contained in this image is all that feminism aspires to - to make the vagina as equally a phallus as the penis, to make the vagina an equally vulgar symbol of domination as the crudely drawn phallus. It is only natural therefore that the most successful feminism today is #GirlBoss culture and its worship of the female capitalist. One of the most important pieces of this is a recreation of the medical revolution, wherein masculine scientific knowledge was used to supplant and overthrow the feudal savagery of supposed witchcraft in medicine. Feminists today do this through the scientific psychiatry so popular in America, colonizing the interior of the mind, its holy bible and ideological model is the DSM-V. This psychiatry is rigorous in its endless attempts to legislate, unable even to tolerate broad descriptions of types or characters, as in the Freudian diagnoses. Interiority is a problem that must be classified and labeled and medicalized into its own specific category. More and more autistic divisions of individuals are drawn up in the holy book, in both universal mental categories, and the supposed science of identity, legislating hundreds of genders and sexualities for what once remained a fluid mystery of the Cities of the Interior, governed informally in its moment, now colonized and legislated by feminism’s process of acquiring an equal claim to the masculine. Feminism is, through this, not concerned with any liberation or empowerment of femininity but rather with creating a new masculine out of woman.

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