I. The Miracle, The Father, The Son
Flowing as the force of all action, is The Miracle. The Miracle serves as both set and setting, the before and after of every action, water of the body of water that is the world of Custodia. The Miracles, as an animated force of all, takes the place of the Holy Spirit, in the game’s reinterpretation of the Trinity. It’s important then, that it emerges from the crucifixion. The young man (Son) begged the High Wills (Father) in order to give punishment and the miracle was born out of this unity. By the Son of flesh suffering in the pains of the flesh, the Father of the Heavenly and the Son of the Earthly united their respective realms, the Divine force flowing through both being the Miracle or Holy Spirit, that unifies them as one. Such is what’s meant by the ancient phrase, “Igne Natura Renovatur Integras” - fire is born between Heaven and Earth in order to unify the two. Such is the nature of the Miracle, born as the new force by which Divinity expresses itself, unifying Heaven and Earth in sacred fire.
II. Song of Solomon
The rock upon which God’s church was built turned away from its followers and for the first time since judaic exile, the patriarchs of the Earthly church beheld the face of God. God the Father in the High Wills looked upon the head of the Son, the Pontiff of the great Earthly system of the Church and granted the wish for another crucifixion. Renouncing the flesh, the fire of the Miracle consumed the body in another mortification, the mocking detritus of the flesh drowning those who desperately sought their salvation in the Throne’s Earthly form.
The Cradle of Affliction becomes the true throne at the center of the Church’s body, in the same fashion as the Holy Grail is within its mytharc. The Church transitions from a political body to a mythic one, its structures forming a linguistic framework of practice, leading to its central divine mystery - ritual. The Cradle of Affliction invites-within the Church reborn, as a corpus not of order but of leading, a labyrinth drawing the followers into the center, so that the truly devoted are led to achieve the true Throne for themselves.
It’s by this that Blasphemous makes its argument for heresy. The Church exists as a means of ritual, yet it can only do so by providing a structure that the penitent traveling to the center will be able to truly work within. Thus, the penitent ones venturing deeper must do so with a conviction to penetrate, and thus the Church pretends to be an adversary, in the seductive sense. The present protagonist is invited down chambers and passageways, enticed, teased, and resisted, so that his final breakthrough to the center is fully tested and qualified before it can occur.
This occurs all within a context of recreating the original trauma that remade the Church into this. In order to achieve the true ending, the confessional statues must be destroyed, with the text after the completion of their mini-challenges displayed: “Detestatio Sacrorum”. This phrase, used as part of marriage vows to represent the bride renouncing her loyalty to the family of her Father and taking loyalty to the family of her Husband, shows the penitent ones journeying into the Church doing the same. The Earthly body of the church is renounced and the seduction is fully understood, with the Miracle flowing within being achieved through a true engagement with the Church’s channels and passageways.
III. Attrition (Ten Piedad, Expósito Scion of Abjuration)
The exile from Eden was the act that caused the split which had to be repaired by the crucifixion. The body was then separated in kind from the spirit, with the former imprisoning the latter as the latter was cast into exile within. The exile-within the wilderness is thus the condition of the spirit within the body, as shown by Ten Piedad. The Divine things of the flesh (shown elegantly in the name “Ten Piedad”) only offer paltry balms, though offering a place for the flesh to fit and thus the spirit to be calmed in its agony. Such is shown in the state of receiving mercy on the lap of the mother Ten Piedad takes when the Penitent One enters his boss room.
Yet it’s these balms which the spirit then makes use of in its ascendence beyond. The child almost burned with the heretical mother is given up to a hollow mother, as Ten Piedad rests upon the lap of, and through it, gains its power. The mother forms the snake-like tail spitting the child’s venom in its name. The prison in this way must not be destroyed, but filled within. Renunciation would be suicide, the total destruction of all that retains the child in reality. Only in accepting and then becoming-with the structures in which the spirit is placed, is the same unity formed in reverse. Such is the birth action of Mary, where before the flesh could ascend, the divine had to descend.
The buried churches make the counterpoint to the prison of heretical works. The highest points of the spirit form within the utter darkness of the flesh and only by growing-within it and ascending to control through the corpus provided by the flesh, is wholeness restored. Far from renunciation, the flesh and the spirit are restored to wholeness when the Edenic state is restored, by the spirit’s total dominion over and complete filling of the flesh.
IV. Contrition (Tres Augustias, Melquíades The Exhumed Archbishop)
Three sorrows for the machines that failed in their attempt to construct the holy after Eden. The divine union of marriage had no love between it and it thus fell to sorrow, the gold, veil, and ribbon torn and discarded as the sisters desperately prayed to retain their freedom without being bounded in structures and machines built as recreations of the heavenly on Earth. It’s important that they appear at the bottom of Jondo, in a sewer belong the grand bell and its clockworks. The social machine is always the pinnacle of the clockwork machine and the gears of the social machine are ever more entrapping and damaging, existing not below but above and equal with humanity.
These machines only come about int he wilderness, through the process shown by Melquíades. The once divine is now dead, ravaged by time into hollow bones, with only the desperation and faith of its followers holding it aloft. In an attempt to construct the holy from the earthly, a marionette is created from the artifacts clung to as relics of God, a machine they believe can recreate for them what can never be found within or from the flesh. Such is the imprisonment of the three sisters. The union of marriage was created for them in an attempt to capture the lightning in a bottle of the holy - love - as the church does for divinity.
It’s these entrapping machines which are resisted in the way the sisters did. Desperately seeking freedom, they cocooned themselves and sought liberation at the hands of the penitent one, cross-cutting and defeating the machines entrapping them. Tellingly, the ability granted after their freedom is, is that which was imprisoned released. The freedom of their love and life-generation was at stake and it was that which they granted to the player, life generating in the form of blooded vines for the player, all over the map, as their freedom realized after they slip away into the other side of the veil.
V. Compunction (Our Lady of the Charred Visage, Quirce Returned by the Flames)
The flesh is by its nature enclosing on the spirit which is trapped within it. The exile from Eden was the exile of the ghost into the shell, the spirit now alone and completely enclosed-upon by the wilderness around it. It’s this eternally-entrapping nature of the wilderness around the soul that leads to encasement. The instinct of the flesh is to encase and them crumble, first entombing in stone and then withering as dust.
Divinity was desperately sought in the burning oil, only in rebellion against those who sought to encase her in ice. It’s telling that fleshly desires were the cause of this predatory embrace, the stonecutting men seeking out their fetish-object to forever entomb in their lust for the solid to be made from dust. The living in her was embraced beyond them and the Holy Spirit (Miracle) granted her its sacred fire, in the form of golden oil boiling across her visage.
This fire comes from within and without, with its deployment by the agents of entrapment being a double-traitorous action by the imprisoned. Quirce found himself at the flames by the hands of the inquisitors and yet had his solidarity against them with the fire. Their passion was identical in form to his which they found so offensive and so in the ashes, he rose again, embraced in the holy light of the fire against him, and against the frozen flesh they dispensed to entrap him into the machines of dogma and icons.
VI. Summa Blasphemia
Putti were born of occult energies, the representations since the Roman era of spirits floating about on a variety of spiritual assignments. This usage came to be common in the renaissance where they were revived in Northern Italy, giving us characters such as Cupid, messenger-like figures in the margins of paintings, pulling strings together, weaving the scene. The birth of Jocinero, of the Moon and the Bull - the dark of the flesh and the divine - is telling of this. The path of the penitent one is occult in the most literal usage of the world, darkened and obscure to all but the eyes of the one who can follow it to the end. It should be marked therefore by the occult signals of the putti of the moon and the bull, leading magic and heresy on the path to the summit.
At the summit, the Penitent One finally does away with the last obstacles before his communion, in completing the trial of Crisanta. Cirsanta accepts her destiny and performs it to eternal reward, fulfilling her duty in recognition of its higher place, even if it should not be the one with eternal destiny as the Penitent One’s.
The usage of fighting as a means of showing communion is perhaps the strongest lineage Blasphemous does have in lineage with Dark Souls, something I won’t belabor as I’ve written about it before. What matters in this context is the meaning of the final battle and what was before it. Each battle served a function in the path of the Penitent One, another gateway to another truth shown about the Miracle, until the final door opened before the place where the flesh is unified with the divine. The Penitent One does battle with Escribar in order to fully comprehend the final mystery and thus to replace the body of Escribar. At the end, Escribar is freed and ascends to a wholly spiritual existence. The Penitent One thus takes his place, as the fleshly point of union between the flesh and the divine, the tree bridging the two worlds until another like him climbs the strange maze of branches and tangles to do the same.